
How to Update Event Contacts in Gridlex Zip?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on updating Event Contacts in Gridlex Zip. Whether you're organizing meetings, webinars, or other gatherings, Gridlex Zip is designed to make your event management smoother and more systematic. Keeping track of contacts at events is a crucial part of it. This tutorial will walk you through updating Event contacts in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to the Gridlex App Suite and click ‘Events’ under the Zip section. Step 2: Click on the Event in which you want to update contacts.  Step 3: Click “Event Contacts.” How to Update Event Contacts from the Event Contacts Listing Page? On the Event Contacts listing page, you can update a contact’s Invitee and Attendee status. Step 4: Change the Invitee and Attendee status per your requirement and click “Save.” How to Edit an Event Contact Manually? Step 5: To edit a contact’s information, click on the corresponding “Contact ID.” Step 6: Make the desired changes on the contact information page and click “Save.” How to Update Event Contacts Manually? While updating Event contacts, you also have the option to add new contacts to the Event as well. See the following steps: Step 7: Click “Add Event Contacts Manually.” Step 8: Enter the contact information in the fields. Click ‘Save’ once done. You’ll see that the contact has been added to the Event. Step 9: Once you are done adding the contacts. Click “Save.” How to Update Event Contacts Through File Upload? You can add new contacts to the Event while updating Event contacts through file upload as well. See the following steps: Step 10: Click “Upload Event Contacts.” Step 11: On this page, you can upload a CSV, XLX, or XLXS file. Once you have selected a file from your system, click the "Upload" button to initiate the import process. Before proceeding, you can download the sample file to understand the format supported by the system. Step 12: Once you have downloaded the sample file, review its format to ensure your data aligns with the system's requirements. If the data file doesn’t align with the system’s requirement, For example, here you can view the data: After a successful upload, you will receive a notification confirming the completion to your registered email address. If you’re on the same page, hit refresh, and you’ll see the status of your upload. See below. You can download the logs and review the information if there are any failed contact uploads. Click the download button under the “Download Logs” column to save the logs to your system. You can go to the “Manage Event Contacts” page to see the Event Contacts you have updated or added. Congratulations! You have now learned how to update Event contacts in Gridlex Zip. If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful. 

Published | Oct. 12, 2023, 2:02 p.m.

How to Add Affiliate Contacts to Organizations in Gridlex Zip? 

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on adding affiliate contacts to organizations in Gridlex Zip. Contacts are an essential part of any organization. With Gridlex, keeping track of connections becomes streamlined and efficient. Adding affiliate contacts to an organization ensures effective communication, optimal networking, and a clear view of your business ecosystem.  This tutorial will walk you through adding affiliate contacts to organizations in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to Gridlex App Suite and click "Organizations " under the Zip section in the navigation menu. On the Organizations listing page, you can see which contacts are affiliated with organizations under the “Affiliated Contacts” column. Step 2: Click on the Organization to which you want to add Affiliate Contacts. Step 3: Click “Contacts” from the menu bar. You can see all the contacts affiliated with the organization on this page. If you wish to remove the affiliation, click the “Remove” button under the “Remove Affiliation” column. Step 4: Click “Affiliate Contacts to this Organization” on the menu bar. How to Assign a Contact to the Organization? Step 5: Click the “Assign” button under the “Assign/Transfer” column to affiliate the contact to the organization. This action does not remove the contact’s existing organization affiliations.  On the other hand, transferring affiliation releases all the current organization affiliations from that contact (See next step) How to Transfer a Contact to the Organization? Step 6: Click “Transfer” under the “Assign/Transfer” column. This action releases all the current organization affiliations from that contact. Congratulations! You have learned how to add Affiliate Contacts to Organizations in Gridlex Zip. If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful.   

Published | Oct. 12, 2023, 11:48 a.m.

How to Add an Event in Gridlex Zip?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on adding an Event in Gridlex Zip. Whether you're organizing meetings, webinars, or other gatherings, Gridlex Zip is designed to make your event management smoother and more systematic. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be well-equipped to create, manage, and record event data seamlessly. This tutorial will walk you through adding an event in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to the Gridlex App Suite and click ‘Events’ under the Zip section. Step 2: Click ‘Create New Event” on the top right. Step 3: Select the Event template you want to use from the dropdown menu. Step 4: Fill in the Event Information fields per your requirements. Note: The fields on this page will be imported from the Event Template that you have selected. If you want to add additional information to your events, you can do so by creating custom fields accordingly and mapping them to the event template you are using. Step 5: Add the Venue / Location Details. Click “Next” when done. You’ll now be taken to the “Event Contacts” page. Note: This action will also put the Event on the Events Listing page. You can also use the  “Save as Draft” option to add the Event to drafts. Congratulations! You have successfully created an Event in Gridlex Zip. If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful. 

Published | Oct. 16, 2023, 7:20 a.m.

How to Add Activity from an Organization Page?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on adding activity from an organization page. Every business interaction counts. Using the Activity feature in Gridlex Zip, you can seamlessly document, manage, and reference all pivotal touchpoints. From meetings to follow-ups, ensure everything runs smoothly. This tutorial will walk you through adding activity from an organization page in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to Gridlex App Suite and click "Organizations " under the Zip section in the navigation menu. Step 2: Click on the Organization to which you want to add activities. Step 3: Hover over the “Activities” option on the menu bar and click “Add - Default Activity” from the dropdown. Note: The options in the dropdown will depend on how many Activity Templates you have. You can select the template of your choice. We are using the “Default Activity” Template to demonstrate. Step 4: Fill in the fields per your requirement. Step 5: Once you are done, click “Add Activity.” Congratulations! You learned how to add activity from an organization page in Gridlex Zip.   If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful.     

Published | Oct. 12, 2023, 12:52 p.m.

How to Add Event Contacts in Gridlex Zip?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on updating Event Contacts in Gridlex Zip. Whether you're organizing meetings, webinars, or other gatherings, Gridlex Zip is designed to make your event management smoother and more systematic. Keeping track of contacts at events is a crucial part of it. This tutorial will walk you through updating Event contacts in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to the Gridlex App Suite and click ‘Events’ under the Zip section. Step 2: Click on the Event in which you want to update contacts.  Step 3: Click “Event Contacts.” How to Update Event Contacts from the Event Contacts Listing Page? On the Event Contacts listing page, you can update a contact’s Invitee and Attendee status. Step 4: Change the Invitee and Attendee status per your requirement and click “Save.” How to Edit an Event Contact Manually? Step 5: To edit a contact’s information, click on the corresponding “Contact ID.” Step 6: Make the desired changes on the contact information page and click “Save.”   How to Update Event Contacts Manually? While updating Event contacts, you also have the option to add new contacts to the Event as well. See the following steps: Step 7: Click “Add Event Contacts Manually.” Step 8: Enter the contact information in the fields. Click ‘Save’ once done. You’ll see that the contact has been added to the Event. Step 6: Once you are done adding the contacts. Click “Save.” How to Update Event Contacts Through File Upload? You can add new contacts to the Event while updating Event contacts through file upload as well. See the following steps: Step 7: Click “Upload Event Contacts.” Step 8: On this page, you can upload a CSV, XLX, or XLXS file. Once you have selected a file from your system, click the "Upload" button to initiate the import process. Before proceeding, you can download the sample file to understand the format supported by the system. Step 9: Once you have downloaded the sample file, review its format to ensure your data aligns with the system's requirements. If the data file doesn’t align with the system’s requirement, For example, here you can view the data: After a successful upload, you will receive a notification confirming the completion to your registered email address. If you’re on the same page, hit refresh, and you’ll see the status of your upload. See below. You can download the logs and review the information if there are any failed contact uploads. Click the download button under the “Download Logs” column to save the logs to your system. You can go to the “Manage Event Contacts” page to see the Event Contacts you have updated or added. Congratulations! You have now learned how to update Event contacts in Gridlex Zip. If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful.   

Published | Oct. 12, 2023, 12:04 p.m.

How to Add Activity From a Contact Page in Gridlex Zip?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on adding activity from a contact page. Every business interaction counts. Using the Activity feature in Gridlex Zip, you can seamlessly document, manage, and reference all pivotal touchpoints. From meetings to follow-ups, ensure everything runs smoothly. This tutorial will walk you through adding activity from a contact page in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to Gridlex App Suite and click "Contacts" under the Zip section in the navigation menu. Step 2: Click on the Contact to which you want to add activities. Step 3: Hover over the “Activities” option on the menu bar and click “Add - Default Activity” from the dropdown. Note: The options in the dropdown will depend on how many Activity Templates you have. You can select the template of your choice. We are using the “Default Activity” Template to demonstrate. Step 4: Fill in the fields per your requirement. Step 5: Once you are done, click “Add Activity.” Congratulations! You learned how to add activity from a contact page in Gridlex Zip.   If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful.   

Published | Oct. 12, 2023, 1:45 p.m.

How to Manage Event Contact Fields in Gridlex Zip?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on managing Event Contact Fields in Gridlex Zip. Whether you're organizing meetings, webinars, or other gatherings, Gridlex Zip is designed to make your event management smoother and more systematic. Keeping track of contact data in events is a crucial part of it. You can choose what all contact information is required by managing Event Contact Fields This tutorial will walk you through managing Event Contact Fields in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to the Gridlex App Suite and click ‘Events’ under the Zip section. Step 2: Click on the Event to which you want to manage Event Contact Fields. Step 3: Click “Event Contacts.” Step 4: Click “Manage Event Contact Fields.” Step 5: On this page, you check what all fields will appear when you are adding or managing Event contacts. You can choose any of the Native Fields, Standard Fields or Custom Fields and select them. Just make sure the checkbox corresponding to the desired fields are checked under the “Add to Contact Profile” column. See below. Once done,click “Submit.” Note: To understand what Standard Fields and Custom Fields are, follow these guides: What are Standard Fields in Gridlex Zip? How to Create Custom Fields in Gridlex App Suite? Congratulations! You now learned how to manage Event Contact Fields in Gridlex Zip. If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful.   

Published | Oct. 11, 2023, 10:23 a.m.

How to Edit or Update Activity From a Contact Page in Gridlex Zip?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on editing or updating activity from a contact page. Every business interaction counts. Using the Activity feature in Gridlex Zip, you can seamlessly document, manage, and reference all pivotal touchpoints. From meetings to follow-ups, ensure everything runs smoothly. This tutorial will walk you through editing or updating activity from a contact page in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to Gridlex App Suite and click "Contacts" under the Zip section in the navigation menu. Step 2: Click on the Contact to which you want to add edit or update activities. Step 3: Hover over the “Activities” option on the menu bar and click “Activities List” from the dropdown. Step 4: Click on the Activity ID you want to edit or update. Step 5: Click the “Edit” button next to the information you want to edit or update. Step 6: Make the required changes and click “Save” once done. Congratulations! You have learned how to edit or update activity from a contact page in Gridlex Zip.   If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful. 

Published | Oct. 12, 2023, 1:50 p.m.

How to Edit an Event in Gridlex Zip?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on editing an Event in Gridlex Zip. Whether you're organizing meetings, webinars, or other gatherings, Gridlex Zip is designed to make your event management smoother and more systematic. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be well-equipped to edit, manage, and record event data seamlessly. This tutorial will walk you through editing an event in Gridlex Zip. Step 1: Log in to the Gridlex App Suite and click ‘Events’ under the Zip section. Step 2: Click on the Event which you want to edit. Step 3: If you wish to edit the Event template, click on the event template name and you’ll be taken to the template’s page. Step 4: Make the desired changes and click “Submit.” Step 5: To make edits to Event Information, Even Venue/Location, Event Links or any other fields, Go back to the “Event Details” section, make the changes and click “Save.” Congratulations! You have now learned how to Edit an Event in Gridlex Zip.   If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful.   

Published | Oct. 11, 2023, 10:27 a.m.

How to Copy an Existing Event in Gridlex Zip?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on copying an existing Event in Gridlex Zip. Whether you're organizing meetings, webinars, or other gatherings, Gridlex Zip is designed to make your event management smoother and more systematic. One feature that significantly aids in this process is the ability to copy an existing event. By doing so, you can save time, maintain consistency, reduce errors etc. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be well-equipped to create, manage, and record event data seamlessly, including leveraging the copying feature for enhanced efficiency. Step 1: Log in to the Gridlex App Suite and click ‘Events’ under the Zip section. Step 2: Identify the Event which you want copy and click on the ”Copy Event” button under the Actions column. This action will take you to Create New Event page. On this page, you will see that the event details have been copied, including the Event Template. Step 4: Make the desired changes and click “Next.” This action will take you to the Event Contacts page where you can add contacts to the Event. Note: This action will also put the Event on the Events Listing page. You can also use the  “Save as Draft” option to add the Event to drafts. If you need any help with any feature, data migration of your old data, or anything at all, just email and our team will be here to help you. Remember, that one of Gridlex’s core values is Customer Success. We want you to be successful. 

Published | Oct. 11, 2023, 11:29 a.m.